I had a drawing among my 5 chicks and Klucker won the chance to fly to Maui, Hawaiifor 10 days with my hubby & I.
Klucker really had a great time at the ⛱beach!
Tell all your chickens “Aloha from Klucker”!
I had a drawing among my 5 chicks and Klucker won the chance to fly to Maui, Hawaiifor 10 days with my hubby & I.
Klucker really had a great time at the ⛱beach!
Tell all your chickens “Aloha from Klucker”!
Greetings from Salt Lake City and Klucker. Nice day to hang out with some friends!
Meet Klucker! This chicken lives with KJ Miller (Instagram: KJKards) in Salt Lake City.
Nice work KJ! We love Klucker! We are looking forward to meet other friends of Gunnel and Agda. Patter through PayPal:
Click on link:, in notes write “Hen pattern” and your e-mail address.