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Glad Påskstickning

Snart är det påsk och det innebär att påskriset ska prydas.
I år hänger vi bland annat upp kycklingen Tetris i riset.
Tetris är stickad z-tvinnat 2-trådigt ullgarn. Perfekt restgarnsprojekt, mönster köps via länken ovan!

Kycklingen Tetris
Kyckling Tetris

Klart beroende framkallande är det att sticka äggvärmare! Fåret Zhaun är en av Zgarns äggvärmare!
Zhaun passar även att hänga i riset, eller ställa i fönstret!


Våra färgglada björkhängen livar upp påskriset! Mönstret är gratis och laddas ned via länken!

Eggbert värmer äggen precis som Zhaun! Mönster köps via länken.


Chick on a stick kan man inte få för många av! Vilka härliga små chicks att hänga i riset! Det går också att sätta dem på en pinne i påskblomman!

Chick on a stick
Chick on a stick

Lite mer bling, bling och flärd får du med Chicky chick, mönster köps via länk!

Chicky chick
Chicky chick
Hönan Gunnel älskar påsken!

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Garn festivaler i olika delar av världen

Oj vad mycket kul det finnas att åka iväg på!

Är det någon som varit på någon av alla dessa ull och/eller garnrelaterade evenemang?

Kanske kan du tipsa om någon annan bra mässa/festival?


Gunnel framför datorn. Funderar över vilka garnrelaterade evenemang som lockar mest.

Sy & hantverksfestivalen SWE


Woolfest UK  The original British Wool Festival

Woolfest was founded to provide a showcase and a celebration of the best of wool and wool crafts. The event is all about creativity and design with beautiful quality, amazing colours and skilled craftsmanship. It is also a great day out and was recognised in 2012 when Woolfest won the Cumbria Tourism Event of the Year Award.

The Knitting & Stitching Show 2018 UK

The Knitting & Stitching Show is the leading textiles and craft event in the UK. The exhibition welcomes more than 400 exhibitors of essential sewing and knitting supplies. The next Spring edition of the show will take place from 1-4 March 2018 at Olympia, London.

Shetland Wool Week UK

Shetland Wool Week is a world renowned celebration of Britain’s most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands. Shetland wool is a world class natural fibre, with a long standing reputation for quality, strength and excellence from the fleece to the textile products. Shetland knitwear has a deserved respect gained from many generations of hard working knitters and crofters producing some of the finest lace and Fair Isle knitwear.


Vogue Knitting Live US


Interweave Yarn Fest US


Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival US

The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival is one of the largest festivals of its kind celebrating all things sheep, from hoof to handwoven.

Yarndale UK

A festival of creativity – Described as a “creative festival celebrating all things woolly and wonderful”, Yarndale plays host to an impressive selection of talented and passionate exhibitors.

Wonderwool UK

A Festival of Welsh Wool & Natural Fibres

Join us at the Royal Welsh Showground in Builth Wells for the 13th Annual Wonderwool Wales Festival. It’s your chance to enjoy a fantastic range of Welsh and British artisan products and an opportunity to meet the wonderful people who made them. A great family day out with hands-on woolschool workshops and events showcasing the best in Welsh and British wool and natural fibres.

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Walking the Red Carpet

When we visited the Edingburgh Yarn festival 2018 #EYF2018 we got to meet the fine Swedish photographer Malena Persson.

She took this nice picture and you can find more of them at TOFT Photo Booth.

We like chickend around the red carpet.

Photo Malena Persson Photography – Agda och Gunnel EYF2018